Márton Simon

Poet, slam poetry performer and translator. Born in 1984. Lives in Budapest, Hungary.

Studied Aesthetics, Literature and Creative writing at Pázmány Péter University, later graduated at Károli Gáspár University. Has a BA and an MA of Japanese Language and Studies

Published four collections of poetry: Songs for 3:45 AM (2010) translated to English by Timea Sipos, Polaroids (2013), Fox Wedding (2018) and At Night in the Kitchen I Wanted to Talk to You (2021), and a spoken word mixtape Before You Begin to Speak (2017).

Participant of many slam poetry events (since 2011), and a few of the National Championships (2012-2016) too. Performed in Serbia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Italy too. Participant of the Spoke n’ Word Festival in Warsaw (2012, 2014) and the Transpoesie Festival in Brussels (2014) and also a workshop lead by Marc Smith in 2018.

Translated novels from the English (e.g. the works of Jennifer Egan, Etgar Keret, John Waters) and modernist poetry from the Japanese (Ryuichi Tamura, Nobuo Ayukawa, Sakutaro Hagiwara and more). Organized countless workshops for creative writing and other literary events.

His poetry collections are in reprint since publishing. One of the most widely read Hungarian authors of the last decade. 

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